Monday, June 3, 2013

Nominate someone to win a painting...

Encouragement can come is so many different forms, and by far the best thing we can do for people is be there for them.  I truly believe that our time is the best thing we can give other people.  But, sometimes it's nice to give a gift.

Do you know someone who really deserves to have one of these paintings? send me an email, tell me their story and why you'd like to see them receive one of these paintings.  There is no reason too big or too small to nominate someone. I'd love to hear from you!

These are the three paintings available to choose from.  (left) Seuss Girl, 18"x24", (middle) Earth Monster, 18"x24" and (right) Pig Beside a Cherry Tree, 30"x40".  All are original paintings, acrylic on canvas.

my email address is, and i'll be accepting nominations until the end of June. :)